iOS Reminders Navigation Bar

Peyton Shetler
2 min readJan 8, 2021
Reminders App (iOS 13+)

Recently, I became enamored with the new Reminders app. With it’s overhaul in iOS 13 it’s become a thing of beauty to me (Dramatic? Probably.). Besides the well laid out form and the convenient tool bar across the top of the keyboard, I noticed one thing: The nav bar😳. It’s appears completely transparent and then fades into existence just in time for the first cell to go beneath it. I had to know how to do it. So here goes..

  1. First, we’ll create an optional view.

2. Second, we’ll give our optional view a frame and add it to the nav bar’s subviews

3. Third, (this is the hardest part) because we’re using a TableViewController, we can access scroll view delegate methods! We’re going to use the method scrollViewDidScroll to adjust the alpha of the optional view based on the scrollview’s contentOffset!

(Forgive the long gist)

Some things to be aware of..

I can’t 100% endorse using this in a production app due to how deeply we’re hooking into the nav bar and it’s subviews. It’s also dependant on the index of _UIBarBackground within the nav bar’s subviews. If Apple were to change the inner composition of the Nav Bar, it could negatively affect this solution.

That’s it!

I’ll be attaching both the gist and the full repo for you anyone to reference. I hope this was helpful!

